Hanuman Bahuk: Origin, Significance, and Blessings

Looking for an in-depth guide on Hanuman Bahuk? Look no further! In this blog post, we will delve into the origin and its significance, as well as the blessings it can bring to your life.

Whether you’re a devotee of Hanuman Ji or simply curious about this powerful prayer, this article will provide you with all the information you need. So, without further ado, let’s explore the world of Hanuman Bahuk and its many benefits.

Hanuman jee


Before proceeding into the origin and significance, let’s first look at what Hanuman Bahuk is. and when through whom it came into existence and the importance of Hanuman Ji in Hinduism.

What is Hanuman Bahuk?

Hanuman Bahuk is an ancient Hindu scripture that contains 44 verses dedicated to Lord Hanuman. It was written by Tulsidas, a 16th-century poet and saint who was a devotee of Lord Ram. It is considered to be a powerful prayer that can help devotees overcome obstacles, illnesses, and challenges in life.

It is especially effective in curing physical ailments, and it is often chanted by those seeking healing and protection. The word “Bahuk” means arm or portion, and the text is named so because it is said to provide strength and support, just like a strong arm.

Importance of Hanuman Ji in Hinduism

Importance of Hanuman Ji in Hinduism

Hanuman Ji, also known as Anjaneya, is one of the most revered and beloved figures in Hinduism. He is worshipped as a symbol of strength, devotion, courage, and selflessness, and his importance is deeply ingrained in the hearts and minds of millions of Hindus across the world.

Hanuman Ji is believed to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva, and his exploits and adventures are described in the ancient Hindu epic, the Ramayana.

Hanuman Ji’s importance in Hinduism stems from his unwavering devotion to Lord Ram, one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. In the Ramayana, Hanuman Ji plays a pivotal role in the rescue of Lord Ram’s wife Sita, who was abducted by Ravan.

Hanuman’s incredible feats of strength and courage, coupled with his unshakable faith in Ram Ji, have made him an icon of devotion and selflessness.

In Hinduism, Hanuman Ji is also worshipped as a symbol of physical strength, vitality, and courage. It is believed that chanting Hanuman Ji’s name or reciting his prayers can help them overcome physical and mental obstacles and give them the strength to face life’s challenges with courage and determination.

Overall, Hanuman’s importance in Hinduism is multifaceted and profound. From his devotion to Lord Ram to his symbolic representation of strength and courage, he is a beloved figure that continues to inspire and uplift millions of people across the world.

Origin of Hanuman Bahuk

Hanuman Bahuk is a hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman, which originated from the Hanuman Chalisa composed by Tulsidas in the 16th century. It is believed to have healing properties and is often recited by devotees to seek blessings and cure various ailments.

Legend of Hanuman retrieving Sanjivani Booti

Legend of Hanuman retrieving Sanjivani Booti

According to the Hindu epic Ramayana, when Lord Ram’s brother Lakshman was severely injured during a battle with Ravan’s son Meghnad known as Indrajeet also, Hanuman Ji was tasked with retrieving the Sanjivani Booti, a herb that could cure any wound, from a mountain in the Himalayas.

To complete this task, Hanuman Ji flew to the mountain and lifted the entire mountain to bring it back to the battlefield. He was able to save Lakshman’s life and his heroic act is considered an example of his immense strength, devotion, and selflessness. This legend of Hanuman retrieving the Sanjivani Booti is still celebrated and revered in Hinduism today.

Composition of Hanuman Bahuk

Hanuman Bahuk is a composition of 44 verses in Hindi, written in the Awadhi language, which is a dialect of Hindi.

It is believed to have been composed by Tulsidas, the 16th-century author of the Ramcharitmanas. The hymn is a tribute to Lord Hanuman and his strength, courage, and devotion to Lord Ram.

Each verse is said to have a specific healing property and is recited to seek blessings and cure various ailments. The hymn has become a popular part of Hindu devotional practices and is often recited during Hanuman Janmotsav and other auspicious occasions.

The historical significance of Hanuman Bahuk

The historical significance of Hanuman Bahuk lies in its use as a powerful hymn with healing properties. It is believed to have been used by ancient Indian physicians to cure a variety of ailments.

The hymn is also a popular part of Hindu devotional practices, with many devotees reciting it to seek blessings and relief from physical and mental afflictions.

The composition has become an important part of Hanuman worship and is often recited during Hanuman Janmotsav and other auspicious occasions. Its popularity and widespread use are a testament to its spiritual power and significance in Hinduism.

Significance of Hanuman Bahuk

Hanuman Bahuk is a revered prayer that is dedicated to Lord Hanuman, an important deity in Hinduism renowned for his bravery, power, and devotion. It is widely believed that reciting Hanuman Bahuk can help alleviate various types of afflictions and difficulties in life.

Furthermore, prayer is said to confer divine blessings such as enhanced strength, enlightenment, and advancement on the spiritual path. Devotees frequently recite it as a way of expressing their devotion and seeking the blessings, protection, and counsel of Lord Hanuman.

Benefits of reciting Hanuman Bahuk

  • This is a powerful prayer dedicated to Lord Hanuman, who is believed to bestow his blessings on those who seek his protection and guidance.
  • Reciting Hanuman Bahuk can bring relief from various ailments and obstacles in life. It is believed that prayer can cure diseases, ward off negative energies, and provide protection from evil influences.
  • Hanuman Bahuk is also said to bestow many blessings on its reciters. Some of these benefits include increased strength, wisdom, and spiritual growth.
  • Many people recite Hanuman Bahuk regularly as a form of devotion and to seek the protection and guidance of Lord Hanuman.
  • This prayer is considered highly effective in times of distress, such as when one is facing financial difficulties, health issues, or relationship problems.
  • In addition to its spiritual benefits, It is also believed to improve one’s mental and emotional well-being. The prayer is said to bring peace of mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of inner calm and tranquility.
  • Hanuman Bahuk is typically recited during Hanuman Janmotsav, the annual celebration of Lord Hanuman’s birth, but can be recited anytime throughout the year.

Overall, reciting Hanuman Bahuk is a powerful and effective way to seek the blessings and protection of Lord Hanuman and to overcome the challenges and obstacles that one may face in life.

Protection from negative energies

Hanuman Bahuk protection from negative energy

The powerful prayer dedicated to Lord Hanuman is believed to be highly effective in this regard. Here are some ways in which the Hanuman Bahuk is thought to protect against negative energies:

  1. Cleanses the aura: It is said to purify one’s aura or energy field, thereby helping to repel negative energies and evil spirits.
  2. Enhances positivity: The prayer is believed to generate positive vibrations that can counteract negative energies and thoughts.
  3. Boosts immunity: The Hanuman Bahuk is said to have a healing effect on the body and mind, strengthening the immune system and helping to ward off illnesses caused by negative energies.
  4. Provides spiritual protection: The prayer is considered a form of spiritual armor that can protect against negative energies, psychic attacks, and black magic.
  5. Promotes inner strength: The Hanuman Bahuk is believed to enhance one’s inner strength and resolve, helping to overcome fear and other negative emotions that can attract negative energies.

Spiritual Significance of Hanuman Bahuk

The spiritual significance of the Hanuman Bahuk lies in its ability to bring the devotee closer to Lord Hanuman and help them experience his divine presence. Here are some ways in which the Hanuman Bahuk holds spiritual significance:

  1. Promotes devotion: Reciting the Hanuman Bahuk is considered an act of devotion and a way to express one’s love and reverence for Lord Hanuman.
  2. Enhances spiritual growth: The prayer is believed to help the devotee overcome their limitations and promote spiritual growth by developing qualities such as courage, humility, and faith.
  3. Offers protection: The Hanuman Bahuk is considered a powerful form of spiritual armor that can protect the devotee from negative energies, evil spirits, and other forms of harm.
  4. Grants blessings: The prayer is said to bestow various blessings such as increased strength, wisdom, and prosperity, and is believed to fulfill the devotee’s wishes.
  5. Facilitates self-realization: The Hanuman Bahuk is believed to help the devotee overcome their ego and develop a deeper understanding of the self and the divine.

Overall, the hymn holds great spiritual significance and is an essential part of the Hindu tradition. Reciting this prayer with devotion and sincerity is believed to bring the devotee closer to Lord Hanuman and help them experience his divine grace and blessings.

Blessings of Hanuman ji on Tulsidas

Hanuman Ji with Tulsidas Hanuman Bahuk

Tulsidas, a famous Hindu saint, and poet, is believed to have received the blessings of Lord Hanuman, who is considered his guru and guide.

Tulsidas is said to have received divine guidance and inspiration from Lord Hanuman, who appeared to him in a vision and instructed him to write the Ramcharitmanas, a famous devotional text dedicated to Lord Ram.

Hanuman ji is believed to have awakened Tulsidas’ spiritual consciousness, helping him to overcome his ego and develop a deeper understanding of the divine.

Tulsidas is said to have received the protection and support of Lord Hanuman throughout his life, helping him to overcome obstacles and fulfill his spiritual mission.

Through his relationship with Tulsidas, Hanuman ji is believed to have blessed countless devotees with his grace and guidance, helping them to deepen their devotion and overcome their limitations.

Overall, the blessings of Hanuman ji on Tulsidas are seen as a testament to the power of devotion and the transformative potential of the guru-disciple relationship. Tulsidas’ life and teachings continue to inspire devotees today, reminding us of the importance of surrendering to the divine and seeking the guidance and blessings of the guru.

Story of Tulsidas seeking Hanuman’s blessings

The story of the creation of Hanuman Bahuk by Tulsidas goes that Tulsidas was suffering from arm pain so severe that he wasn’t even able to move his hands much that no medicine could cure.

He prayed to Lord Hanuman for relief from his pain. Hanuman appeared before Tulsidas in a dream and advised him to write the Hanuman Bahuk and recite it daily.

Tulsidas woke up and began to write the prayer, which consists of 44 verses praising Hanuman’s virtues and asking for his blessings.

Hanuman Bahuk as a blessing from Hanuman ji

As he wrote each verse, Tulsidas recited it and felt his severe arm pain easing. He completed the prayer and recited it with devotion, and his pain disappeared completely.

Tulsidas believed that Hanuman had inspired him to write the Hanuman Bahuk and that it had immense power to heal physical and mental ailments. He also believed that reciting the prayer with faith and devotion could bring blessings and protection from Hanuman.

Impact of Hanuman Bahuk on Tulsidas’ life

Reciting his creation under the guidance of Lord Hanuman in his dream helped Tulsidas overcome his difficulties and gave him the courage and inspiration to complete his literary works. The hymn also helped him deepen his devotion to Lord Hanuman and strengthen his faith in the power of prayer.

Today, Hanuman Bahuk is considered a powerful prayer for devotees seeking blessings and protection from Lord Hanuman, and its impact on Tulsidas’ life is widely celebrated.

Today, the Hymn is still widely recited by devotees of Hanuman in India and other parts of the world. It is considered a powerful prayer that can bring relief from suffering and help overcome obstacles in life.

How to Recite?

While there is no strict set of rules for reciting Hanuman Bahuk, there are some general guidelines that can help you in your recitation.

By following these general guidelines, you can make your Hanuman Bahuk recitation more meaningful and effective.

Procedure for reciting Hanuman Bahuk

Here is the procedure to recite Hanuman Bahuk:

  1. Find a quiet and clean place to sit, preferably in front of a picture or idol of Lord Hanuman.
  2. Light a diya (lamp) and some incense as a symbol of devotion.
  3. Take a bath or wash your hands and feet before beginning the recitation.
  4. Recite the Hanuman Chalisa or any other prayer or mantra dedicated to Lord Hanuman to seek his blessings and grace before reciting Hanuman Bahuk.
  5. Begin reciting with devotion and sincerity. The prayer consists of 44 verses that praise Hanuman’s virtues and ask for his blessings. You can recite all the verses or choose to recite a few of them, depending on your needs and time.
  6. After completing the recitation, offer some fruits or flowers to Lord Hanuman as a symbol of gratitude and respect.
  7. Conclude the prayer with the Hanuman Aarti or any other prayer or mantra dedicated to Lord Hanuman.

It is recommended to recite it with faith and devotion daily for 43 days to experience its benefits fully.

Regular recitation of the Hanuman Bahuk can bring relief from physical and mental ailments, protect from negative energies, and overcome obstacles in life.

Precautions to be taken while reciting Hanuman Bahuk

While reciting, it is important to approach the prayer with sincerity and devotion. Here are some precautions to keep in mind while reciting:

  1. The Hanuman Bahuk is a powerful prayer, and it is essential to recite it with respect and devotion. Avoid reciting it casually or in a distracted state of mind.
  2. It is recommended to take a bath or wash your hands and feet before beginning the recitation as a symbol of purity and cleanliness.
  3. Choose a clean and peaceful place to recite the prayer, preferably in front of a picture or idol of Lord Hanuman.
  4. If you have any physical or mental ailments, it is advisable to consult a doctor and follow the prescribed treatment. While the Hanuman Bahuk is believed to have healing powers, it should not replace medical treatment, proceed with your medical treatments with the believe in Hanuman Bahuk that it will help you heal and grow faster out of your illness or problems.
  5. It is recommended to recite the Hanuman Bahuk with a specific intention or purpose, such as seeking relief from a specific ailment or overcoming a particular obstacle in life.
  6. It is important to maintain a positive and focused state of mind while reciting the prayer. Avoid negative thoughts or distractions that may hinder the recitation.
  7. Finally, it is advisable to recite the prayer with the guidance of a knowledgeable priest or guru to ensure that you are reciting it correctly and with the right intention.

Following these precautions can help you recite the Hanuman Bahuk with the right spirit and receive its blessings and benefits.

Time and place for reciting Hanuman Bahuk

There is no specific time or place for the recitation but there are some general guidelines that you may consider while reciting the prayer:

  1. Time: It is believed that reciting the Hanuman Bahuk in the morning, preferably during sunrise, is auspicious and can bring positive energy and blessings. However, you can recite the prayer at any time of the day, depending on your convenience and availability.
  2. Place: Choose a clean and peaceful place to recite the Hanuman Bahuk. It could be in your home, a temple, or any other place where you feel comfortable and can focus on the prayer without distractions.
  3. Intentions: Recite the Hanuman Bahuk with a specific intention or purpose, such as seeking relief from a specific ailment or overcoming a particular obstacle in life. It is recommended to recite the prayer with faith and devotion, and with the intention of seeking Lord Hanuman’s blessings.
  4. Duration: The Hanuman Bahuk consists of 44 verses, and it may take around 45 minutes to an hour to recite it. You can choose to recite all the verses or select a few that are relevant to your needs and recite them. It is recommended to recite the prayer with regularity and devotion for at least 43 days to experience its benefits fully.
  5. Precautions: While reciting the Hanuman Bahuk, it is important to approach the prayer with respect and devotion. Follow the precautions mentioned earlier to ensure that you recite the prayer with the right spirit and receive its blessings and benefits.

In summary, you can recite the Hanuman Bahuk at any time and place, with a specific intention and for a duration that suits your needs. The key is to approach the prayer with faith and devotion and to recite it with the right spirit and intentions.

If you want to read and understand Hanuman Chalisa shlok by shlok with meaning, you can consider reading this:


In conclusion, Hanuman Bahuk is a powerful prayer that is deeply rooted in Hinduism and is revered by devotees of Lord Hanuman. It possesses immense healing properties and has been known to alleviate a wide range of physical and mental ailments.

The recitation of Hanuman Bahuk is said to strengthen one’s mind, body, and soul and provide spiritual solace during difficult times. Whether it’s seeking protection, healing, or guidance, this prayer offers a powerful tool for connecting with the divine and experiencing the blessings of Lord Hanuman.

By chanting with devotion and sincerity, one can tap into the limitless power of Lord Hanuman and receive his blessings and protection.

Recap of the article

Hanuman Bahuk is a prayer dedicated to Lord Hanuman. This blog post explores the origin, composition, and significance of Hanuman Bahuk, as well as its blessings and how to recite it.

The legend of Hanuman retrieving the Sanjivani Booti is the basis of Hanuman Bahuk, which was composed in the 16th century by Tulsidas. Recitation of this powerful hymn offers a wide range of benefits, including physical and mental healing, protection from negative energies, and spiritual growth.

The blessings of Hanuman ji on Tulsidas are also discussed, with the story of Tulsidas seeking Hanuman’s blessings and the impact of Hanuman Bahuk on Tulsidas’ life.

Overall, Hanuman Bahuk is a powerful prayer that offers a connection to the divine and a way to experience the blessings of Lord Hanuman.

Final thoughts on the significance of Hanuman Bahuk

In Hinduism, Hanuman Bahuk is considered one of the most powerful mantras to recite. The prayer has a deep spiritual significance and is known to offer a wide range of benefits, including physical and mental healing, protection from negative energies, and spiritual growth.

The blessings of Hanuman ji on Tulsidas serve as a testament to the power of Hanuman Bahuk and its ability to bring positive changes into one’s life.

Overall, the Hanuman Bahuk prayer is a powerful tool that offers a direct connection to the divine and provides its devotees with immense spiritual blessings. Its significance and power continue to make it a beloved prayer among the Hindu community.

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