Shap Vimochan Mantra is a powerful mantra with origins in Hinduism. It is believed to work on a spiritual and metaphysical level to remove curses and negative energies.
Chanting the mantra has been associated with various physical, emotional, and psychological benefits, such as reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.
The effectiveness of the mantra can be enhanced by following certain guidelines, such as chanting it at the right time and place.
In this article, we explore the origins and significance of the Shap Vimochan Mantra, its power, benefits, and how to chant it for maximum effectiveness.

What is Shap Vimochan Mantra?
Here’s the Shap Vimochan Mantra in Sanskrit:
Shap Vimochan Sankalp in Sanskrit:
ऊँ अस्य श्रीचण्डिकाया ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापविमोचन मन्त्रस्य वसिष्ठनारदसंवाद सामवेदाधिपतिब्रह्माण ऋषय: सर्वैश्वर्यकारिणी श्रीदुर्गा देवता चरित्र त्रयं बीजं ह्रीं शक्ति: त्रिगुणात्मस्वरूपचण्डिका शापविमुक्तो मम संकल्पितकार्य सिद्धयर्थे जपे विनियोग:।
Shap Vimochan Mantra in Sanskrit:
ॐ ह्रीं रीं रेत:स्वरूपिण्यै मधुकैटभमर्दिन्यै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥१॥
ॐ रं रक्तस्वरूपिण्यै महिषासुरमर्दिन्यै,ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥२॥
ॐ क्षुं क्षुधास्वरूपिण्यै देववन्दितायै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥३॥
ॐ छां छायास्वरूपिण्यै दूतसंवादिन्यै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥४॥
ॐ शं शक्तिस्वरूपिण्यै धूम्रलोचनघातिन्यै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥५॥
ॐ तं तृषास्वरूपिण्यै चण्डमुण्डवधकारिण्यै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥६॥
ॐ क्षां क्षान्तिस्वरूपिण्यै रक्तबीजवधकारिण्यै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥७॥
ॐ जां जातिरूपिण्यै निशुम्भवधकारिण्यै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥८॥
ॐ लं लज्जास्वरूपिण्यै शुम्भवधकारिण्यै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥९॥
ॐ शां शान्तिस्वरूपिण्यै देवस्तुत्यै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥१०॥
ॐ श्रं श्रद्धास्वरूपिण्यै सकलफ़लदात्र्यै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥११॥
ॐ श्रीं बुद्धिस्वरूपिण्यै महिषासुरसैन्यनाशिन्यै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥१२॥
ॐ कां कान्तिस्वरूपिण्यै राजवरप्रदायै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥१३॥
ॐ माँ मातृस्वरूपिण्यै अनर्गलमहिमासहितायै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥१४॥
ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं दुं दुर्गायै सं सर्वैश्वर्यकारिण्यै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥१५॥
ॐ ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं नम: शिवायै अभेद्यकवचस्वरूपिण्यै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥१६॥
ॐ क्रीं काल्यै कालि ह्रीं फ़ट स्वाहायै ऋग्वेदस्वरूपिण्यै ब्रह्मावसिष्ठविश्वामित्रशापाद विमुक्ताभव॥१७॥
ॐ ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं महाकालीमहालक्ष्मीमहासरस्वतीस्वरूपिण्यै त्रिगुणात्मिकायै दुर्गादेव्यै नम:॥१८॥
इत्येवं हि महामन्त्रान पठित्वा परमेश्वर,चण्डीपाठं दिवा रात्रौ कुर्यादेव न संशय:॥१९॥
एवं मन्त्रं न जानाति चण्डीपाठं करोति य:,आत्मानं चैव दातारं क्षीणं कुर्यान्न संशय:॥२०॥

For Pronunciation in English:
Shaap Vimochan Sankalp Pronunciation:
Om asya Shri Chandikaaya Brahma Vasishtha Vishwamitra Shaap Vimochan Mantrasya,
Vashishth Naarad Samvaad Saam Vedaadhipati Brahmaan Rishayah,
Sarvaishwarya Kaarini Shree Durga Devta Charitra Trayam Bijam Hreem Shaktihi,
Trigunatma Swaroop Chandika Shap Vimukto Mam Sankalpit Kaarya Siddhyarthe Jape Viniyogah.
Shaap Vimochan Mantra Pronunciation:
Om Hreem Reem Retahswaroopinyai Madhukaitabha Maardinyai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishwamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 1 ||
Om Ram Raktaswaroopinyai Mahishaasuramaardinyai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishwamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 2 ||
Om Kshum Kshudhaswaroopinyai Devvanditaayai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishwamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 3 ||
Om Chaam Chhaayaaswaroopinyai Dootsamvaadinyai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishwamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 4 ||
Om Sham Shaktiswaroopinyai Dhoomralochan Ghaatinyai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishwamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 5 ||
Om Tam Trushaswaroopinyai Chandamundavadhakaarinyai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishwamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 6 ||
Om Kshaam Kshaantiswaroopinyai Raktabeejavadhakaarinyai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishwamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 7 ||
Om Jaam Jaatiroopinyai Nishumbhavadhakaarinyai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishwamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 8 ||
Om Lam Lajjaswaroopinyai Shumbhavadhakaarinyai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishwamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 9 ||
Om Shaam Shaantisuvaruupinyai Devastutyai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishvaamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 10 ||
Om Shram Shraddhaasvaruupinyai Sakalaphaladaatryai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishvaamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 11 ||
Om Shriim Buddhisvaruupinyai Mahishaasura Sainyanashinyai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishvaamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 12 ||
Om Kaam Kaantisuvaruupinyai Raajavarapraadaayai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishvaamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 13 ||
Om Maan Maatrisvaruupinyai Anargala Mahimaasahitaayai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishvaamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 14 ||
Om Shriim Hriim Dum Durgaayai Sam SarvaishvaryakaariNyai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishvaamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 15 ||
Om Aim Shriim Kliim Nam: Shivaayaai Abhedyakavacha Svaruupinyai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishvaamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 16 ||
Om Kriim Kaalyai Kali Hriim Phat Svahaayai Rigveda Svaruupinyai
Brahma Vasishtha Vishvaamitra Shaapaad Vimuktaa Bhav || 17 ||
Om Aim Shriim Kliim Mahaakaalii Mahaalakshmii Mahaasarasvatii Svaruupinyai
Trigunaatmikaayai Durgaadevyai Nam: || 18 ||
Ityevam Hi Mahaamantraan Pathitvaa Parameshvara,
Chandiipatham Divaa Raatrau Kuryaadeva Na Sanshaya: || 19 ||
Evam Mantram Na Jaanaati Chandii Patham Karoti Yah,
Aatmaanam Chaiva Daataaram Kshiinam Kuryaan Na Sanshaya: || 20 ||
(Shrii Durgaa MaarpaNaa Mastu)

What is the significance of beej mantras in the Shap Vimochan Mantra?
In this mantra, each verse contains a different seed sound or beej mantra associated with a specific aspect or form of the goddess Chandi or Durga.
These beej mantras are considered to be powerful and represent different energies or qualities of the goddess.
When recited together in the form of this mantra, they are believed to help invoke the various aspects of the goddess and bring forth her blessings and protection.
The beej mantras used in this mantra are:
- Om Hreem Reem: Represents the goddess’s power and ability to destroy negative energies and obstacles.
- Om Ram: Represents the goddess’s power to destroy evil forces and negative energies.
- Om Kshum: Represents the goddess’s power to protect and remove obstacles from one’s path.
- Om Chaam: Represents the goddess’s power of communication and diplomacy.
- Om Sham: Represents the goddess’s power and energy.
- Om Tam: Represents the goddess’s power to destroy demons and negative forces.
- Om Kshaam: Represents the goddess’s power of peace and tranquility.
- Om Jaam: Represents the goddess’s power to destroy the demon Nishumbha.
- Om Lam: Represents the goddess’s power to destroy the demon Shumbha.
- Om Shaam: Represents the goddess’s power of peace and tranquility.
- Om Shram: Represents the goddess’s power to fulfill one’s desires and aspirations.
- Om Shriim: Represents the goddess’s power of intellect and knowledge.
- Om Kaam: Represents the goddess’s power of attraction and desire.
- Om Maan: Represents the goddess’s power of honor and respect.
- Om Shriim Hriim Dum: Represents the three forms of the goddess – Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, and Mahasaraswati.
- Om Aim Shriim Kliim Nam: Represents Lord Shiva and the goddess’s power to protect.
- Om Kriim Kaalyai: Represents the goddess’s power to remove darkness and ignorance.
- Om Aim Shriim Kliim: Represents the goddess’s power of creation, sustenance, and destruction.
What is the purpose of Brahma, Vasishtha, and Vishwamitra being mentioned in the mantra?
Brahma, Vasishtha, and Vishwamitra are ancient sages and seers from Hindu mythology who are highly revered for their knowledge and wisdom.
The mantra mentions their names to invoke their blessings and grace, as they are believed to have attained spiritual enlightenment and divine realization through their spiritual practices and penance.
It is believed that reciting this mantra with their names helps the practitioner to overcome various obstacles and challenges in life, and also to attain spiritual progress and realization. The mention of their names also signifies the continuity and transmission of spiritual wisdom from ancient times to the present day.
The mantra “Om Hreem Reem Retahswaroopinyai” is chanted before reciting the Durga Saptashati, a Hindu scripture that praises the goddess Durga. This mantra is believed to invoke the blessings of the divine mother and prepare the mind for the intense spiritual experience that comes with reciting the Durga Saptashati.
Importance of Chanting Shap vimochan Mantra Before Reciting the Durga Saptashati
According to Hindu mythology, when the saints were creating the Bhavishya Puran, they foresaw the potential for someone to use the mantras of the Durga Saptashati for evil purposes. To prevent this, they placed a curse on the text so that its benefits would only be accessible to those who have received the Shap Vimochan of the mantras by chanting the Shap Vimochan mantra. This means that the blessings of the Durga Saptashati can only be fully realized if one has been initiated into the mantras and received the necessary guidance from a guru or spiritual teacher.
In summary, chanting the mantra “Om Hreem Reem Retahswaroopinyai” before reciting the Durga Saptashati is believed to invoke the blessings of the divine mother and prepare the mind for spiritual practice. The text itself is considered sacred and powerful, but its benefits can only be fully realized through proper initiation and guidance from a qualified teacher.
Importance of Shap Vimochan Mantra
The “Om Hreem Reem Retahswaroopinyai…” mantra is a powerful hymn that is dedicated to Goddess Chandi, a powerful form of the Divine Feminine in Hindu mythology.
The mantra is believed to be highly effective in removing negative energies, obstacles, and challenges from one’s life and in attaining success, prosperity, and spiritual growth.
The mantra consists of several beej mantras that represent different aspects of the Divine Feminine, such as strength, courage, wisdom, and abundance.
Each beej mantra has its own specific vibration and energy that helps to awaken and activate the corresponding aspect of the Divine Feminine within oneself.
Reciting this mantra with devotion and sincerity is said to invoke the blessings and grace of Goddess Chandi and the ancient sages and seers mentioned in the mantra, which can help to overcome various difficulties and obstacles in life, and to attain spiritual progress and realization.
The mantra is also believed to offer protection and to ward off negative energies and influences.
Use of Shap Vimochan Mantra in modern times
The use of this mantra in modern times is primarily for spiritual and devotional purposes. Reciting this mantra with devotion and focus can help invoke the energy of the Goddess Chandi and receive her blessings for protection, strength, courage, and success in life.
Additionally, this mantra is also believed to have the power to remove negative energies and obstacles, purify the mind, and bring peace and harmony in life.
Many people also recite this mantra during Navratri, to worship the Goddess, as a way to honor and seek her blessings.
It is important to note that while this mantra can be a powerful tool for spiritual and personal growth, it should be approached with respect and humility.
Power of Shap Vimochan Mantra
The power of Shap Vimochan Mantra is believed to lie in its ability to invoke the divine energy of Goddess Durga and access her various forms, each represented by a specific beej mantra.
It is believed that reciting this mantra with devotion and focus can help overcome various obstacles and challenges in life, including negative energies, diseases, and other forms of distress.
Additionally, this mantra is also believed to bestow blessings such as success, prosperity, and spiritual growth to the practitioner.
However, it is important to note that the power of the mantra lies not just in the chanting of the words, but also in the intention, faith, and sincerity of the practitioner.
Spiritual and Metaphysical aspects of the mantra
From a spiritual and metaphysical perspective, this mantra is believed to invoke the divine energy of the goddess Durga, who is regarded as the personification of the divine mother and the source of all creation. This mantra is a powerful tool for invoking her energy and seeking her protection and blessings.
Each of the beej mantras in this mantra represents a specific aspect of the divine feminine energy, and chanting them is believed to activate and harmonize these energies within oneself. The mantra is said to help one overcome negative energies, obstacles, and difficulties in life and bring about positive changes.
The presence of the names of the sages Brahma, Vasishtha, and Vishwamitra in the mantra signifies their association with this powerful energy and their blessings for those who chant the mantra with devotion and sincerity.
Overall, this mantra is regarded as a potent spiritual tool for seekers on the path of self-realization and those seeking protection and guidance from the divine mother.
How Shap Vimochan Mantra works to remove curses and negative energies
According to Hindu tradition, negative energies, and curses can cause a range of problems in a person’s life, including physical illness, emotional distress, and financial difficulties.
This mantra is believed to work by invoking the divine feminine energy of the goddess Durga, who is considered to be a powerful force in removing negative energies and curses.
The repetition of the beej mantras in this mantra is said to activate the chakras and balance the flow of energy in the body. By doing so, the mantra is believed to increase the vibrational frequency of the individual and create a protective shield of positive energy around them.
This shield of energy is thought to repel negative energies and curses, thereby reducing their impact on the individual’s life.
Additionally, the mantra is believed to help the individual overcome fear, anxiety, and other negative emotions that can attract negative energies and curses.
By chanting this mantra with faith and devotion, one can connect with the divine feminine energy of Durga and invoke her protection, guidance, and blessings.
This can lead to a greater sense of peace, harmony, and well-being in one’s life.
How the mantra has helped people in real-life situations
There are many anecdotal accounts and traditions that attest to the effectiveness of this mantra in various contexts.
For example, in Hindu tradition, reciting this mantra is believed to protect the devotee from negative energies and evil spirits. It is also believed to remove obstacles and bring success and prosperity.
Many people have reported feeling a sense of calm, clarity, and inner strength when reciting this mantra regularly. Some people have also reported experiencing physical and emotional healing through the regular practice of reciting this mantra.
Benefits of Chanting Shap Vimochan Mantra
Chanting the Shap Vimochan Mantra can have several benefits, including:
- Protection: The mantra can protect the chanter from negative energies, evil spirits, and other negative influences.
- Curses Removal: The mantra is believed to be effective in removing curses and the negative effects of black magic.
- Inner peace: Chanting the mantra can help calm the mind and bring a sense of inner peace and tranquility.
- Health Benefits: The mantra is believed to have a positive effect on physical health and can help with ailments such as stress, anxiety, and depression.
- Spiritual Growth: The mantra can aid in spiritual growth and development by enhancing the practitioner’s connection to the divine.
It’s important to note that the benefits of chanting the mantra can vary from person to person, and regular practice is recommended to see the maximum benefits.
Physical, emotional, and psychological benefits of chanting the Shap Vimochan mantra
Chanting this mantra is believed to have various physical, emotional, and psychological benefits. Some of the benefits are:
- Reducing stress and anxiety: Chanting this mantra regularly can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels in individuals.
- Enhancing mental clarity and focus: This mantra is believed to enhance mental clarity and focus, improving concentration and productivity.
- Improving physical health: Chanting this mantra is thought to stimulate the chakras and improve overall physical health.
- Purifying negative energies: The mantra is said to purify negative energies from the surroundings and promote positive vibrations.
- Increasing spiritual awareness: The chanting of this mantra is thought to help individuals connect with their spiritual self, promoting spiritual growth and awareness.
- Boosting self-confidence: This mantra is believed to help individuals overcome their fears and boost their self-confidence.
- Promoting inner peace and calmness: Regular chanting of this mantra is thought to bring about a sense of inner peace and calmness, promoting overall well-being.
Overall, chanting this mantra is considered to be a powerful tool for spiritual and personal growth, promoting physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.
Scientific research to support the benefits
There is evidence that suggests chanting mantras in general can have a range of benefits. Here are a few studies:
- One study published in the International Journal of Yoga found that chanting mantras can lower stress and increase feelings of relaxation in both healthy individuals and those with chronic illnesses.
- A study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that chanting mantras can improve cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure and heart rate.
- Another study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience found that chanting mantras can increase alpha brain waves, which are associated with relaxation and reduced stress.
Overall, chanting mantras have been found to have various physical, emotional, and psychological benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, increasing relaxation, and improving overall well-being.
However, more research is needed to determine the specific benefits of chanting this mantra in particular.
How to Chant Shap Vimochan Mantra
The chanting of the Shap Vimochan Mantra is considered a sacred practice in Hinduism and should be done with utmost respect and devotion.
Here are some general guidelines for chanting the mantra:
- Find a quiet and clean place to sit comfortably.
- Begin by taking a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body.
- Place your hands on your lap, with your palms facing upwards.
- Start chanting the mantra aloud or silently in your mind, with focus and intention.
- It is recommended to chant the mantra 108 times or in multiples of 9 (9, 27, 54, etc.) for maximum benefits.
- You can use a mala (prayer beads) to keep track of your repetitions.
- It is important to chant the mantra with sincerity and faith and to visualize the deity in your mind’s eye.
- After completing the chanting, take a moment to offer gratitude and express your intentions.
- You can end the practice with prayer, meditation, or by simply sitting in silence for a few minutes.
How to enhance the effectiveness of Shap Vimochan Mantra?
Here are some tips to enhance the effectiveness of the Shap Vimochan Mantra:
- Chant with devotion: When you chant the mantra with devotion, it enhances the effectiveness of the mantra. You can set an intention before you start chanting and focus on it while chanting.
- Chant with correct pronunciation: The correct pronunciation of the mantra is important to get its full benefit. You can take the help of a trained teacher to learn the correct pronunciation.
- Chant regularly: Chanting the mantra regularly is important to get the desired results. You can set a specific time and place for chanting every day.
- Create a positive environment: It is important to create a positive environment before chanting the mantra. You can light a candle or incense, or do some deep breathing exercises before chanting.
- Visualize: While chanting the mantra, you can visualize the energy of the mantra entering your body and filling it with positivity and healing. You can also visualize your intention getting fulfilled.
- Practice mindfulness: Being present in the moment and fully concentrating on the chanting can enhance the effectiveness of the mantra. You can practice mindfulness by focusing on your breath or the sound of the mantra.
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Chanting the mantra is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. It is important to maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get enough rest to enhance the effectiveness of the mantra.
In conclusion, the Shap Vimochan Mantra is a powerful tool that has been used for centuries to remove curses and negative energies.
It is a combination of Beej mantras and the names of three great sages, Brahma, Vasishtha, and Vishwamitra, who are believed to have created the mantra.
The correct pronunciation of the mantra and Sankalp is crucial for its effectiveness.
The importance of the Shap Vimochan Mantra lies in its ability to not only remove curses and negative energies but also to provide spiritual and metaphysical benefits.
Scientific research has also supported the physical, emotional, and psychological benefits of chanting the mantra.
The mantra has been used in real-life situations, and its power has been felt by those who have chanted it with devotion and faith. To enhance its effectiveness, one must follow certain guidelines while chanting it.
Overall, the Shap Vimochan Mantra is a valuable tool that can benefit anyone seeking to remove negative energies and bring positivity into their lives.
Its power lies in the combination of its components, correct pronunciation, and the faith and devotion with which it is chanted.
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